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Carel Fabritius, Hagar and the Angel – Conservation Treatment

Michael Gallagher stands before Carel Fabritius’ Hagar and the Angel in the conservation studio of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and delves into the conservation treatment the painting underwent between 2011 and 2013: careful examination, cleaning, replacement of the canvas lining, and treatment of the surface deformations.

Video Length: 5:56
Date: 2018
Presenters: Michael Gallagher
Director: Wendy Snyder, Bill Westmoreland
Executive Producer: Dominique Surh
Music: Pomerium, Director: Alex Blachly

To learn more about the provenance, technical examination, subject, and iconography of Hagar and the Angel, click here. To learn more about the acquisition of the painting, click here.

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