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Рембрандт, Вермеер и Ливенс в Пушкинском музее

Vogue Russia – March 20, 2018

Rembrandt, Vermeer and Lievens at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, for the First Time in Russia

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Pushkin Museum is preparing a grandiose event for the admirers of Dutch art: for four months, starting 28 March, they will be able to see masterpieces by Rembrandt van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer, Jan Lievens, Carel Fabritius, and Gerrit Dou. A total of 82 works from the private collection of Thomas S. Kaplan and his wife, Daphne Recanati-Kaplan, will be on display. None of them has ever been exhibited in Russia. Russian with English translation.

Image by Kirill Ovchinikov.

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